

Sunday, October 16, 2011


The auditions season has been unfolded and new opportunities are rising in the horizon for those who have a deep interest and music and the performing arts. This is the time of the year where we, as opera singers, have the opportunity to show our talent and capabilities, so make sure all applications are ready to be send. Some of the subjects that can be submitted include: grad-school auditions, young artist programs, main stage performances, artist management auditions and competitions among many others. Yes, it is stressful; however, it is important in this field to learn how to get through this type of obstacles. These are some of the aspects an opera singer must have in the checklist:

1.     Resume ready: A resume should have your name, information of the operas and roles you have performed, name of the teachers you have been working with, competitions and awards. It is important to reflect all your talent in your resume because it will endure the directors to give you the role you desire.

2.     A repertoire list updated and ready to be performed: For the repertoire, a singer must take in consideration the type of music, character development and correct vocal. It is recommendable to practice these pieces at least a couple of times in order to have them well prepared and internally learned.

3.      Attitude: Positive attitude and self-confidence are key characteristics a singer must have. A good singer must be able to express emotions naturally, as well as hide the negative things that may affect the performance. Self-confidence clearly is expressed in a performance; it exposes a lot about the type of person the singer is.

4.     Wardrobe: Clothing selection plays a very important role because it let the performer to embody the character. It is recommendable to dress nice and sexy, but not out of limits. A singer must be very careful with wardrobe because the intention is to call the audience’s attention through the voice, not the outfit. For men, the most recommendable wardrobe is a suit or tux, and for women, long dresses.

5.     Networking and contacts: The field of opera is very small and complicated, as well as other fields are. It is always good to try to meet as many people as you can, and give the best impression as possible. As a singer, we have to watch the way in which we express ourselves and shown who we are to people.

6.     Headshots: The most important characteristic of a headshot is that it has the power to speak for itself. You want it to expose the best of yourself, as well as give the best impression of your physical characteristics. Once again, crossing the lines of sexiness may affect the way in which director perceive yourself.

7.     Flights and hotels: In order to concentrate in the music and the performance, it is very important to have everything under control and organized. Things must be ready and in order in case any opportunity arise out of town.

8.     Accompanist: If you want to give the best impression and show a high level of professionalism, a singer should always bring an accompanist to sing with. The audition should NEVER be acapela.

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Yap Tracker: More than just a website, a source of opportunities.

“Yap” (Young Artist Program) is a course designed for young singers on training. The program is usually used by large companies, such us, Metropolitan Opera and Florida Grand Opera among many others, to hire singers by seasons and give the expose necessary to develop their performing skills.

Julie Baron, general manager of Yap Tracker, earned a master’s degree in vocal performance from the Manhattan School of Music in 2004. Enjoying a career as a young mezzo-soprano and singing in different countries, she decided that her other passion was technology. As a result, she combined both activities, and created the popular website YapTracker.com. The number of users that currently enjoy the website is over 8,000, and it is still growing strong, by reaching singers all over the world.

Baron created the website in 2005 with the intention of bringing something new and fun to her family and peers; she never thought it was going to grow up to the point is it today. The website has become essential to young singers, and it has over 2500 listings. Some of the benefits Yap offers to the audience include: singing guidance, competitions and auditions opportunities, and performing advices.

The website it self is friendly to use, and there is also a mobile version that offers the same benefits. The membership fee starts at $55.00 a year and includes full access to all the auditions and competitions, email alerts, and reminders of the datelines for each audition. It also offers tracking tools and direct notifications to the mobile.

Because of the benefits that Yap tracker offer, it is described as the stepping stone for any young aspiring artist; it represents not only a professional guidance one can rely on, but the dreams and illusions of future singers.

Source: Amelia Northrup,Yap Tracker: Organizing the Uncertain World of Audtions, September 29, 2010. From: http://www.technologyinthearts.org/?p=1466