

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Promoting yourself as an opera singer

For a new singer, entering the music business is very difficult. New singers face critiques and judgments, which is far more difficult because of those who already have a place in the industry. The Opera world not only requires a certain voice talent, but also an image that should cause impact at first impression. When promoting one’s name as an opera singer, there are some major aspects to be kept in mind:

-Young artist program in a major opera company- as a young artist you have to build connections with conductors, other singers and stage directors among many others. In the case of opera, different than popular music, the singer needs to rise slowly up the ladder; age and experience is primordial when referring to classical music. A good source of experience and self-confidence are the young artists programs. These programs help the opera singer aspirant to acquire the necessary level of confidence, while reaching the average age.

-Wining Competitions- A great way to promote oneself and networking as much as possible is by competing. Wining any competition will attract sources in the field that will target oneself for jobs, publishing and management.

-Meeting and working with conductors- The more conductors that one works with, the more likely they will be offered a job opportunity. If the conductor likes working with a singer, he/she will recommend one to other houses where he/she will be conducting. The world of the conductors is even smaller than that of opera singers; being known by a conductor is beneficial for a singer that wants to be recognized.

-Networking sites and Internet exposure– The web is an easy and fast way to get one’s name out there. Creating a profile and linked to professionals is beneficial and fun. The amount of contacts following a profile is never enough.

-Management companies- securing representation is necessary when considering the competitiveness of the opera world nowadays. Working with a manager helps in guiding the carrier in the correct path, and building an image as an artist.

-Performing in concert/ recitals- Performing as a non-professional artist helps to develop technique and at the same time market one’s name among audiences.

- Promotional package (resume and cd)- Sending out promotional packages to opera houses is a key point in order to be heard. Maintain professionalism and present one’s self correctly is the most important thing to keep in mind when applying for a job.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

What are the requirements a young opera singer need to accomplish in order to become a professional in the field?

The world of opera is known for being demanding to the aspirants, regarding the developing of artistic, responsible and voice skills. In order to successfully put one’s name out there, he/she must develop specific elements that will determine how far or close is the possibility to achieve such goal.

- Music and ear training
- Strong Technical skills with the voice
- With technical skills project through a full orchestra
- Acting skills
- Knowledge of operas and composers
- Sing in Italian, French, German, Possibly Russian and Czech
- Some business studies
- A spark that will attract the audience
- Weight is important in many circumstances
- Luck does have a big part of becoming famous unfortunately